Sunday, June 24, 2012

Packing Up My Classroom #3

Problem #3:  I always stock up on school supplies in July and August when the stores have amazing sales, but then I can never find them when I need them! 

How I've Done It Before - When I pack up my classroom, I generally come across all the school supplies that I bought in the fall but didn't end up using during the year.  They are put in various places in my desk, closet, etc.  However, the next fall, I generally end up buying more of those same supplies because I don't have a good idea of what I currently have.  Sometimes, it seems like the more supplies I have, the harder it is to keep track of what I actually need. 

How I Did It This Year - This year, I decided to corral all of my extra supplies into one place... you guessed it, one of my bank boxes!  I sorted out the supplies and put them in small boxes (leftover from baby wipes, old art boxes students left behind, etc.) so that I would have easy access to them later in the year.  I even went through supplies that I had at my desk.  I do not need 20 highlighters or 10 packs of sticky notes at one time!  I packed up my extras and put everything in the big box for storage.  Now, when every single red pen I own disappears, I'll know where to look for a new one!

Tomorrow's Problem - How to make preparation for the next school year less overwhelming when I return in August...

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